In the Middle East, especially in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Turkey, people’s attitudes toward the Gospel have changed over the past decades. This became particularly noticeable after the civil wars in Syria and Iraq. Hundreds of thousands of people fled their homes, becoming refugees in other countries, without shelter or means of existence. In the civil war, many people saw the true face of radical Islam. Tired of war, terror, and death, people began to show interest in learning about Jesus Christ.

The Lord is opening doors for evangelism in these regions where the preaching of the Gospel has been closed for many centuries. In 2023, we organized children’s camps in Lebanon. Parents brought their children to daily activities and worship services. The camps were held across the country, starting from Tyre in the south and ending in Tripoli in the north. Over a thousand children heard the message of salvation. In Istanbul, on March 17, 2024, a Slavic church opened in the historic city.
Therefore, we plan to hold evangelistic services in Istanbul on May 12, 2024. We ask the “Lord of the harvest” to send laborers to the ripe fields. Tickets, accommodation, and meals will cost us $4000. We will be grateful for any assistance! Thank you!
Ministry in Lebanon – Sergey Kirnev