Lebanon is a very hospitable country!
The refugees from Syria, Iraq, Palestine, and Lebanon were looking forward to meeting with us. Hearing the melodious sounds of violins in an oriental flavor was a cherished dream of many kids, young people, and adults. Meetings were held in various audiences. Including schools, concert halls, garages equipped for prayer houses.
In the services, we felt and experienced the presence of the Spirit of God and saw the Lord doing his saving work in the hearts of wounded people. For the first time in many years of ministry, we saw the results of many sacrifices, labors, and prayers for Lebanon. After the call, many came out to pray. People cried and repented! Others asked for the Lord to give them the will to repent. In Tyre, we held a service in a general education institution. Teenagers and youth enthusiastically listened to our songs and testimonies. The administration invited us to visit them again, promising to gather a large audience of people.
Despite our exhaustion and physical limits, we held up to 6 services a day. The weather was cool and the overnight rooms were poorly heated. Part of our team, the violinists, became sick. Julia, due to her high fever, could not participate in some events.

During the services, people were open to accepting the word of God, asking for prayers about their needs and worries. Most of those present, at the services, are refugees from Syria and Iraq. Tired from the uncertainty of the war, people are drawn to God, opening their hearts to His love.
Speaking with a student at Beirut University, we heard a testimony of God’s mercy and love for these people: “I was a firm Islamist. I knew the Quran well. But through the supernatural intervention of God in my life, I became a Christian and accepted Jesus as my Lord. God changed my life.”
Dear brothers and sisters, continue to pray for the awakening and repentance of the peoples of the Middle East. For many centuries the light of the Gospel did not penetrate into these regions. And today we are witnesses of the grace and mercy of God to these nations. God opened the door to the Gospel for these people, and we must make every effort to use it for the glory of Christ and the salvation of these people.
Jesus said: “Lift up your eyes and look at the fields, how they turned white and ripe for the harvest.” John 4:35. People are waiting for good news. Who will go? Who will preach? Who will the Lord send? How can they believe if no one tells them about Christ?
We believe that the Lord entrusted us with this ministry, and we ask us to pray for us. We will have to travel to Iraq, Turkey, and Syria – Damascus. We ask God for the courage to proclaim the Word without fear. Thank you for participating in our needs, for the funds that went towards the tickets. May the Lord richly reward you, because we are accomplishing this ministry together with you! God bless you.
Ministry in Lebanon – Sergey Kirnev