Every Sunday, children from different houses, which are up in the mountains, are running with a great joy as they see our car entering their village. Some children already waiting in the assigned place, some running down and some up the hill trying to come on time. Some come with their Parents, some with older siblings. They come, because they want to get a letter, a “letter from God”. This is a folder with a Bible story in it, and at the end of the story are a few questions that need to be answered and then they need to drop the folder off in a special mailbox. Once a week all the letters will be picked up, checked, and on Sunday, given back with a new Story and small surprise.

As the pandemic started, we were challenged on how to continue share about God, we can’t do it online because many children don’t have devises and internet access. As we prayed, we saw God answer in making this project, which we see showed big interest in the hearts of the children. This is a ten-week program with the main Bible stories, where they can see step by step God’s plan of salvation. We are very grateful for your prayers and support, because we see how God is leading us and provides. As we read answers from children, we can tell that some children don’t have any knowledge about God, creation or theBible. Some are even using Wikipedia to answer the questions. Younger children are seeking help from their older siblings or parents, which gives opportunity for the whole family to learn about God.

Please pray for everyone in these two villages as they are reading and getting to know about the true God. At this point we have more than 70 children. Please also pray for our team, and youth to be faithful in their calling. May God richly bless every one of you!
Avoda ministry in Thailand – San and Anita