This is a tragedy that the devil has created in Ukraine. This is spiritual warfare. But the blows of Jesus are stronger than the blows of Satan. When I preached this week, we saw a record number of repentances. In just one service, about 15 refugees believed in Jesus! I heard prayers. I saw tears. I see how life conquers death. This is the victory of Jesus Christ. This is our victory! Tell about it in church!

Rejoice and praise God! Also, please pray for us and the new believers. We are preparing for baptism, time flies very quickly. I find it hard to believe that we have been helping refugees for six months now. We have hosted and helped over 3,500 people. Our church has prepared and distributed over 43,000 meals. 70 refugees permanently live in the church. More than 100 people completed the training and process of rehabilitation. More than 3,000 people heard the gospel. We have witnessed a huge number of repentances. More than 300 people prayed the prayer of repentance alone with me. This is a miracle that God does. This is the awakening of Ukraine and a unique opportunity for our church to bevat the epicenter of this miracle. I am very grateful to you for your participation in the ministry of disciples in Lvov. We did it together!

Ministry in Ukraine – Elisey Pronin