There were incredibly busy days. We have many people and g problems with electricity and it’s becoming very cold, especially in Eastern Ukraine. Please pray that we can continue our ministry. The sewing workshop is under repair. We already have our first mentor and first sewing machine. Please pray that we can start our small project for shelters.
We had large special revival meetings with refugees. I had the privilege of preaching to the crowd. Please pray for their hearts. Almost our entire team got sick, including me. It’s a very hectic schedule. We started a training course in 3 more places where refugees live. We need strength to continue this ministry. Pray that God strengthens us to preach the gospel.

We have heavy snow and frost. Because of problems with electricity, many people are freezing. Pray that warmth returns soon, so we can survive this winter. This is our main request, and the most you can do right now is to pray for us.
God gives us strength to continue our ministry! Our team takes care of 3 refugee accommodation sites simultaneously. And our main task is to bring the gospel to these people. Therefore, we are developing a special course and training program. And pray for the people we preach the gospel to. I know – only Jesus can help these people. The sadness of war is God’s voice calling people to salvation. And we are microphones through which God’s voice sounds. Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for your support.
Ministry in Lviv – Yelisey Pronin