I am very grateful for your prayers. Every day we witness miracles. We resemble the disciples of Jesus who saw 5000 people and didn’t know how to help them. And then Jesus performed a miracle.
We are a very small church. We have absolutely no resources, but over this year, we have fed and provided shelter for about 5000 people. It gives me goosebumps. It’s a real miracle. And you are part of this miracle. I am thankful to you for your support and participation. $2 a day is the cost to provide for one person, giving them a bed and food. And every donation, no matter how small, has immense significance.

Another great joy is seeing these people learn to pray. They join home groups (we have organized 7 groups). Additionally, half of the attendees in our Sunday services are refugees. We are grateful to God for this unique opportunity to serve! We have an abundance of gratitude and testimonies. I thought that if you are interested, I could send some testimonials and stories so that you can read them in your church and among your friends. So that people can understand and feel how important this ministry is. Blessings to you!
Ministry in Ukraine – Elijah Pronin