Gift Chimombo was born on January 2, 1982 in Blantyre. He is married to Jessy. They have two small children. By the grace of God, Gift became one of our students and was trained to organize new churches. In late April 2020, Gift traveled to Senga Bay on a mission to open a church along Lake Malawi. He started from nothing and now has 26 people in his congregation. It was not easy because there is a lot of evil going on in this area. Prostitution, robbery, witchcraft, and gambling are flourishing.
I visited them in July and was delighted to meet members of the new community. The church grows because it abides in prayers, fasting, and studying the Word of God. Gift taught his members to visit friends’ homes and share the Gospel with each family. He has scheduled prayer times for his members in the congregation. There are testimonies from local people, who were at the very bottom in life but now became disciples of Christ.

The quarantine is devastating for the poor Malawians. They have daily jobs that help them with income and food but it’s still just the bare minimum. We thank God that the quarantine began after the harvest. They can sell what they have collected and buy themselves everything they need to live. Thank you for your support during this challenging time for everyone.
Ministry in Malawi – Willard Muvalo