By teaching church leaders, we are able to grow quantitatively and qualitatively. Churches opening in rural and very poor areas. Here, most people live off farming and their livestock. New believers will need to learn to support the pastor. When the church grows stronger and can support the pastor, we will need help with sponsoring the pastors, and help with the rental of premises. For 2 years we will need the support of $100 per month for each pastor. We plan to train up to 20 pastors a year to plant new churches.

We currently have 10 pastors who are ready to open churches in northern Malawi in the districts of Dove, Chitip, Chikangawa, Chintech, Nyungwi, Rumphi, Borelio, Kasante and Karong.
Please help us to begin this work for the glory of God! We will pray that the Lord will encourage you to work with us!
Ministry in Malawi – Willard Muwalo