Partson Mbundula was born on March 13th, 1991 in Blantyre – Malawi. He is married to Memori Katepa. God blessed them with two healthy children – Taniva and Daniel.

Memori is a qualified primary school teacher and is ready to help her husband in the ministry. Partson, prior to becoming a Christian, was the head of a notorious street gang. The devil took advantage of him when his father divorced his mother in 2003. He hated his father and could not forgive him. But Jesus had other plans for him. Partson accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior, who changed him completely. After completing a church planting course, he went to minister in the city of Chipoka in eastern Malawi. This is his third month of ministry and God gave him 26 members who accepted Jesus as their Savior.

Chipoka is located on the shores of Lake Malawi, which is dominated by Muslims from the Yao and Chewa tribes. They listen carefully to the good news, and we pray that God will reveal himself to them! Despite the limitations, God lets the church grow.
Pray for Parson, his family, and the young church in Chipok that they will be used by God to save many of the local tribes.
Ministry in Malawi – Willard Muvalo