Because of the coronavirus, we had to close the school. As you know, I taught in the church building all these years. I have two classes and I separate the small children from adult children. It has been a difficult time for me. Inside the building, there is the church inventory and a generator that poses a risk due to the fuel in it. It’s hard for me to teach some children inside while watching the others who are outside at the same time.

There was a case when one little boy remembered his mother and went home. Without a word, he suddenly disappeared. When his sister went on a break, she realized that her brother was gone. I called everyone who was nearby to help, after some time, we found him lost in the bushes. Since that time, I regularly go outside and see if all the children are still there. Having a separate building with two or three classes is my dream. When I teach in one class, other children will be able to learn to write or solve math problems in the other class.
Students from poor families come to class. Getting lunch at school is not easy for them. Some have livestock, while others have nothing. Most of these children are raised by one parent. Their mothers depend on beadwork. Due to the virus, they are forced to stay at home and cannot sell their beads in the Masai market. They have no livelihood. This is a very difficult time for my students. Do not forget us in your prayers!
Ministry in Kenya – Mercy Morris