Middle East Ministry
Middle East Ministry
After encountering Jesus in my teenage years, I developed a deep desire to serve Muslims. I followed my dream to Jordan, a Muslim country with limitations on church activities. There, I discovered a significant population of Slavic women. I am aiming to bring hope and transformation to their lives.
Our latest updates
Lebanon – In Their Native Language
I have great expectations for 2025 and believe that the Lord has something special in store for Lebanon and all who live here. This month has been filled with events, meetings, and opportunities to serve people.
One of the most joyful moments was the visit of a family couple.
Lebanon — God Showed Mercy
I met two girls through social media, and we often got together. I tried to be a friend to them while praying and asking the Holy Spirit to guide our interactions so I could witness to them. Every time I attempted to share my faith, they listened but showed no interest
Lebanon — God Has Shown Mercy
In previous letters, I wrote about a girl who was suspected of having cancer and asked for prayers for her. I want to share the continuation of her story. I met Natasha through social media. One day, she called me and said she was in the hospital. When I arrived to visit her,
Lebanon — Bible Study!
One day, I met a woman who shared her difficulties and struggles in family life. She agreed to participate in a prayer marathon for one month, where we would call and pray together every evening. After just a few days, she shared a testimony that changes had begun in her family.
Lebanon — Church School!
In the local church, I help with the school. When I began participating in this ministry, I realized the challenges faced by the local children. I want to share the story of a Syrian refugee girl in Lebanon. She is a teenager, around 15 years old.
First, a little background: In Lebanon, teachers frequently go on strike, demanding better working conditions and pay.
Lebanon – 30,000 Slavs!
In October 2022, I came to Lebanon to start my ministry in this country. This country is home to many different nationalities, among them about 30,000 Russian-speaking people. The purpose of my stay is to organize home groups among the Slavs for Bible study. To meet people, I use social networks and then through friendship and personal relationships, I witness to people about Jesus Christ.
Lebanon – Working with Women
A woman we met once asked us to pray for her husband. He works as a doctor in another country and the new hospital management decided to lay off foreign workers. We prayed together about this situation and left everything in God’s hands. After some time, the woman shared a story that happened at her husband’s workplace.
Jordan – Seeking God!
Life in our new acquaintance’s Jordan was not easy. Her husband’s family did not accept her as a full member of the family, and this was very evident in their attitude towards her. Unfortunately, she never had protection from her husband. She tried to adapt to family life as quickly as possible.
Jordan – our Slavics!
Christianity in Jordan is not prohibited, but the church is highly restricted in its activities. The church can gather and pray within its premises without any issues. However, street evangelism, public squares, and parks are prohibited.