Peace and grace to you, dear friends and the church of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Here is some information about me: my name is Eugene, I am 40 years old and married to Marina for 12 years. During this time, the Lord blessed us with four beautiful children: Polina (8), Simon (6) years, Yefim (4) and Yana is 3 years old. We are expecting our fifth child.
In 2005, while being in the rehabilitation center, I heard the joyful news about Jesus and I accepted Him as my personal Savior. At that time, Alexander Kulpin was leading the ministry and under his leadership, my life began as a Christian. Subsequently, we became friends, and God has been leading us together for many years. From Alexander, I took over the ministry of Mercy “Bethesda.” Thanks to your participation in this good ministry, the work didn’t stop to this day.

In 2017 during winter we had a baptism. One brother of Bethesda, who is partially paralyzed, made a covenant with God and was baptized. Today, we have three more who pray and prepare for the baptism in summer. We currently have 26 people. Fifteen of them are between the age of 50 to 70 years, eight people have physical disabilities: amputation of limbs, partial loss of speech and coordination. Many of those who live here do not have any documents or receive pensions. There is still a lot of work to do. But our goal is not only to assist people with physical limitations. We pray and work to create and organize, an active children’s ministry in the village and our local community.
During the summer we organize playgrounds. Praise the Lord, the administration of the village is friendly towards us. We organize Christmas concerts and Easter concerts, with the help of brothers and sisters from the Omsk communities. In the Christmas week, we held 2 events, presented 130 gifts and shared the Gospel with over 250 people.
We thank God, for what he has already accomplished, for the development of His work here in Omsk land and we continue to pray for His help in order to bear fruit.
During the fall, the construction of a sauna began, because there is nowhere to take a shower and we prayerfully ask you to help us. There is already a foundation, the basement is laid out and the lumber has been purchased. We need the interior and exterior material of the bath complex. This requires us to purchase basalt wool, siding, a furnace for heating and pipes – all materials are will cost approximately $2000. Thank you for your prayers and material service. May the Lord reward you for your help
Ministry in Omsk – Eugene & Marina Volkov