Dear Brothers and sisters in Christ! Greetings from Thailand! Thank you very much for your prayers and support! God is at work!
It was a usual Wednesday evening when we were having our Bible study. The last few weeks were very active, and many questions were asked, and it and the bible study took us longer than usual. This week we were learning what the Bible tells us about sin and the work of Jesus Christ. We had more people because some of our older girls visited us during their summer break from their University. We explained the Gospel, and now the question was: “Have you ever made the decision to follow Jesus? Would you like to make it today?” and one by one, all who were there, decided to pray and ask Jesus to come in their lives, some for assurance and some for the first time in their life. It was a usual Wednesday evening but for some, it was a turning point in following God. God is at work and His Word can change the hearts. We are also praying for them to take the next step in their faith and get baptized. It’s an important decision as they might face conflicts in their families.

When we visit elderly people in our village, they are very encouraged and surprised about our care. This is the best way to show God’s love and introduce them to the audio Bible in their own language. When we came by to one lady and offered her a small speaker with easy access to the Bible story, she refused to take it. First, as she said her family members don’t like when she is listening to Mien, also she was afraid that someone will steal it. So, we found a solution for her and invited her to come to church at any time and listen there since she is our neighbor. She liked this idea. Two days later, this lady came and asked if she can listen to the story, we offered her last time. After she listened to it she came to one of our girls and started to retell the story she just heard. It’s so nice to see how God is talking to everyone in different ways, so they would understand it. Another lady is listening to Jesus story every day from the day she got it and really like it.

There is one more prayer that God answered. Ching is a young girl who is growing in her faith and is now playing the piano for our worship time. She wanted to grow and learn more in this area. She was so thankful when we found an app for her to learn the piano, but after a while, it was hard for her to understand because of all the explanations in English. We prayed for God to send us someone who can teach piano, God answered, as He does it every time we ask! Eveline came for two months to teach piano and Choir to our children! We are very Thankful for God’s care!

Please continue to pray for Cheetah and for God’s plan in his life. The most important part is for his family is to be saved. Cheetah is the a 6-year-old-boy, who is sick with an incurable disease, the one we asked you to pray about before. At this point he has a feeding tube in his stomach, his immune system is not strong, and he is getting sick very easy. Please pray for the family as they are going through this hardship and also for their salvation.

Please pray for:
1. Our teens to grow in their faith and make a decision to be baptized.
2. Our protection from snakes and other dangerous animals.
3. The ministry with the elderly as they are listening to Jesus story, and their hearts would be open to understand and accept the salvation.
Thank you for every prayer and your support, because together, as Church in Christ we can do so much more!Many blessings to you and your families
Ministry in Thailand (Avoda) – San & Anita