Gandhi is a 25-year-old mother and widow. She grew up in an orphanage. Her husband died at the age of 27 from heart failure in October 2020. Gandhi has no relatives and no home. Currently, she lives with her husband’s sister and her two sons. The eldest son is 5 years old, He went to an All-Day kindergarten, and is now at home due to quarantine.

The youngest son is one and a half years old. Gandhi has a great desire to go to work, but no one can take care of her children, and she cannot leave them alone. When she has to leave the house, she locks up the children to go and earn money. But she is very worried about them and does not can work quietly. She receives a monthly widow’s pension of $90, child support of $70 for two children, and $17 for maternal custody. In addition to these incomes, she has no other resources. Gandhi dreams of having her own home and learn a profession.

She wants to become a beautician and thinks to enroll in courses in the future, and start her own business. Thank you for your participation in our ministry. May God bless you.
Ministry in Mongolia – D. Munhtava