Children’s home for mentally retarded children is the place where our team regularly travels. Down’s syndrome, cerebral palsy, oligophrenia and other diseases that put a “cross” on children’s future. Our visits, gifts, attention – is “a breath of fresh air” for them. This year, we baptized one of the graduates from this orphanage. The power of God was revealed in this boy. This means our ministry is not in vain! And diagnoses are not obstacles in the way to know God!
God opened our doors to two more children’s homes, which are located 200 km from the city. In one of them, there are 50 children, in another 20. Most of them are children who have parents. They either have no rights, or they simply have nothing to feed the children. While they are looking for work, the children are temporarily given to children’s homes… In the city, we have not heard of such problems, but in the villages, it becomes a routine. With your help, we were able to give not only a gift to every child but buy additional food to somehow diversify the ration. We were confronted with another problem – shortage of medicine. Children need to be treated, there are doctors, but no medications. We were able to buy a set of essential medicines.
Some of our families after visiting these orphanages were considering adopting children. May God grant these families strength, wisdom, and patience. Thank you for helping us ministering to children without a future!
Ministry in Omsk – Anatoly Nikonov.