Recently, I have witnessed how God miraculously heals children through our prayers. This month, we visited orphanages, paying special attention to graduates. Currently, we are supporting thirty-seven young people who have graduated and are eager to connect with us and seek help. Three of these young individuals will be baptized. This is God’s grace!

The children’s hospice has moved to a new location and is in need of renovation; we are diligently assisting the medical staff. We have special concerns about Yarik, a child who is practically immobile and relies on artificial respiration. His condition has worsened, and we have prayed and cared for him as best we can. Yarik is in critical condition; I understand these children are severely ill, but over the years, you become attached to them as family and fight for each day of life.

When we come and spend time with these children, we sing songs, pray for them, and see the sparkle in their eyes. We hope the Gospel reaches their hearts. In the pediatric oncology unit, there aren’t many children, which is good; those who are there receive our love and hear about hope, and they themselves ask us to pray for them.

Ministry in Omsk – Sasha Melnikov