Our most joyous news is the successful discharge of Artemiy from the hospital. We have been accompanying him for two years while he was undergoing treatment at the oncology center for leukemia. We faced various stages in his treatment. There was a time when his mother asked me to pray for his healing. The boy was so weak that he couldn’t even get out of bed. This week, he was discharged home and is now in remission!
Artemiy had a dream of owning a bicycle and riding it himself. We bought him a bicycle, and he is thrilled. Now, we will continue our friendship by bringing him and his mother to Sunday services.

Recently, a woman contacted me, saying that the head of the neurology department had given her my phone number. Her daughter, Nadya, is in a severe condition, experiencing epileptic seizures every five minutes, and the doctors cannot determine the cause as all tests are normal. Nadya’s mother said, “I believe if you pray for her, my child will be healed.” Nadya would freeze with open eyes, and her body would convulse. I prayed with her mother, who decided to change her life and ask for God’s forgiveness, and then I prayed with the girl. Two days later, Nadya’s mother informed me that the seizures and convulsions stopped after I left.
Brothers and sisters, I haven’t been this happy in a long time. I experienced immense God’s grace. Praise the Lord that we can be helpful and work together in this ministry. Thank you for your prayers and support!
Ministry in Omsk – Sasha Melnikov