We organized a big celebration on Children’s Day, June 1st. Over the summer, new graduates from orphanages arrived, and we are actively communicating and working together. Working with children transitioning to adulthood is, in our view, the most important and challenging task. If we don’t reach out and win their hearts, they may start living a life of crime. Two girls gave birth at 16, and we are now helping them to survive. It’s crucial to teach them to choose life over death.

In a previous letter, I wrote about a girl who suffered from epilepsy, and her mother asked for prayers for healing. After our prayer, the child recovered. God showed mercy, and we began to regularly communicate with this family. For two months now, the girl has been rejoicing and praising God! This is a great encouragement for me.
This month, Lera, a girl we had been caring for for about five years, was admitted to the oncology department. Her health had suddenly worsened, and metastases spread to her internal organs. She was in a lot of pain, so our team created a schedule to ensure someone was with her every day to support her. She desperately wanted her mother to be with her, but her mother had lost parental rights and squandered all her resources. Lera was very tired of fighting the illness. We prayed with her, and she understood that she was going to the Heavenly Father. Lera was buried on June 7th. This is a difficult ministry, but we are needed by these children.
Ministry in Omsk – Sasha Melnikov