Greetings to you brothers and sisters! I want to share with you the story of one girl. Twelve months ago, she called and asked if I could help her repair the relationship with her husband. Her name is Sveta, his name Illya. From the first minutes of the conversation I felt a strong pressure and distrust, and it made very worried.
After listening to them, it was obvious that inside this girl she was deeply wounded and desperate. I shared with the testimony of the salvation of my family, which helped them to trust and open their hearts. Sveta talked about everything that she felt. She spoke for six hours without stopping. Her father when Sveta was 3 years old and her mother remarried a former soldier, who was adapting to normal life after the war.
Her mother had to work two jobs, and she was with her stepfather at home. He didn’t want her to bother him, so he put her in an aluminum milk flask (5 Gallon) and put it on the balcony until her mother came home from work. When Sveta was 4 years, she stopped fitting in the flask. Her stepfather twisted her arms behind her back and pushed her in there. Her mother did not want to lose the chance for happiness and put the blame on the little girl, saying that she was not obedient and that she prevented her from living with her new husband. Sveta did not have toys and they never bought new things. Her stepfather was also beating her badly.

At 16, after graduating from school, she was told that there was no longer room for her in the house and she was put on the street. She worked illegally in an ice cream factory and studied. At the age of 18, she was taken to a restaurant as a waitress, and was betrayed again: the owner sold Sveta to a group of Caucasians who brutally raped her and then threw out into the street with a disfigured appearance and broken spine. God sent kind people who helped her survive all this.
She visited a church and tried to find help until the age of 23. But even the people in church saw in her an arrogant and proud woman, and not a small broken child in need of care and love. Soon she married a fellow student and for 11 years tried to build a relationship with him. She gave birth to two girls, became a pastry chef in one of the best restaurants in Omsk. She worked 17 hours a day trying to prove to everyone that she has the right to live and the love of her loved ones. But the delayed surgeries on her back stopped her crazy life rhythm, her legs refused move right at work and she was taken to the hospital in an ambulance.
We began to pray together; She was able to forgive her stepfather and mother. Sveta is now on my team of volunteers and serves children who suffer terrible pain due to their diagnosis like blood cancer. She also accepted Christ as her savior and is preparing for being baptized. God made a miracle, she was healed, her soul has been cleansed. Having gathered the elders of the church, we prayed for her physical healing!
Sveta is mother and wife, but she cannot live a full life! She can’t move her legs properly, and even when she walks it is very painful, she needs serious treatment.
I witnessed the sacrifices you have made, and many people have been helped through it. Sveta is a very modest girl and she will never ask for help for herself. This is why we need to unite and help her to return to a full and healthy life!
Ministry in Omsk – Alexander Melnikov