Recently, a father of a boy wrote me and began to simply to thank me for everything he felt and how badly he needed support 3 years ago. Back then we accompanied them to St Petersburg for a bone marrow transplant. When I read the message I cried and rejoiced, and clearly realized that it was the grace of God, and through us God was glorified. We have good news from Lera, she was taken back to her family. Her mother fulfilled the custody requirements. Even though not everything is over yet, but Lera really wanted to go to her mother, and now she is.

Our team also visited the orphanages to do some projects. We worked together with the boys, replaced sinks and toilets, and built a sandbox for the little ones, and in we have a bigger project, where we reconstruct a bath complex. The fact is that in this orphanage many graduates come for summer, for them it’s like their parent House. While we worked, I met Roma a little closer, he will soon be 6 years old and has no parents. Roma speech is impaired and intellectually not fully developed, but he is very nice and a sunny child. The director of the orphanage says that if he finds a speech therapist and the correct treatment, he will be able to go to school. So, they want to send him to a special disability boarding school. When I was teaching him things a Christian song started to play on the radio, and he began to sing along. I asked him: “Do you believe?” and he said: “Of course”, we even prayed together. Please pray for all our children.

Ministry in Omsk – Alexander Melnikov