People who are worshiping spirits don’t look happy, they live in constant fear to please spirits, and they put a lot of effort into this. They pass their belief to their children and grandchildren, who continue to live by the same pattern. What if, one generation would turn to Christ? They will have hope, joy, their life would be better, their families would be stronger, and their children and grandchildren will know and live for an all-powerful, loving, and wise God. Only one generation will put their trust in Jesus and teach the next generation to do the same. This is our prayer and vision: to reach, disciple, prepare for ministry one generation of faithful followers of Christ and together to reach the next generation.

Yes, it takes time, a lot of time, and effort, but the goal is worth it. We really appreciate you for being coworkers in this ministry, thank you for your prayers that mean a lot, children and youth who are here- the first generation who came to Christ, they might not have anyone else praying for them. Thank you for your financial support, that means a lot because most of our church members are children and youth, who don’t have a big income, but also do their part. Together we can reach, strengthen in faith and prepare for the ministry one generation for Christ and the next generation with them.
“I see, how God changed my life, how He cares for me, provides for me. I want to teach younger children about God that their lives will be changed”
“I am glad to teach younger children to play guitar that they will join our worship team”
“This New Year we went to visit my family in another village, when I saw little children, I really wanted to tell them about God, I don’t know many Bible stories, so I told them the one I knew, they were so happy to hear. I want to learn how to share about God”

“P’Gick, when will we learn from the Bible?” – was the question of two young boys, who come so early right after school and looking for their leader to learn. Together with other girls and boys they will have some short activity of cooking or making any craft, read the Bible and share what they understand. This practice is not easy for many people in this culture where they are taught to learn and accept things, not to express their own thinking. But the Word of God is practical for every age. When this group just started last year, these ten to thirteen-year-old children couldn’t pray and now everyone prays out loud. Now most of them want to play musical instruments and join worship group. Thank God for such growth.
“I want to get baptized!” -said one of the girls during our church lunch and all her friends turned with amazement in their eyes. “Do you think you are perfect in your faith?” – asked one of the girls, “No, I am still growing and learning but I want to make a decision to follow Christ”
All these children and youth come from strong Buddhist and animist families, please pray for them, that they would grow in their faith. The next few months would be a season for camps. We are planning to have three camps for Christian and non-Christian youth and children this year. Please pray for every participant and leader. Also, one young lady and one family would like to join our ministry this year, please pray that the doors will be opened, and all the documentation process will go smoothly.
May God bless every one of you
Ministry in Thailand (Avoda) – San and Anita