I return in my mind to our trip to the island Norman Bay is just a few weeks ago. The water around this island is so stormy that a motorboat, on which we came just couldn’t dock to the shore. We spent 2 weeks there, and it was always raining. There is no electricity here, no stores, no roads, and the only first-aid station closed last year due to tribal war.
There are several churches and but the pastors of these “churches” smoke, drink, practice witchcraft and fight among themselves, they live cut off from the whole world and are in constant fear about evil spirits. We left this island since the time had come return to “Promise Land”, but my heart hurts about those people who stayed at the Norman Bay, without having hope for the future.

Yes, we spent a lot work there and thank God for tens (maybe even one hundred) of converters, but this is long not enough. For the first time in my life, our vision, “one more soul for Jesus ” seems so insignificant compared to the huge need here.
Ministry in Papua New Guinea – I&F Konstantiniki