Greetings from the province Milne Bay where we are we have been for almost 3 weeks preaching from home to home, from island to island (there is around 600 island). And people here are waiting not only for their discoverers but also, much more important for the Gospel.
There are almost no churches, and people must walk through the jungle 3-4 hours to get to the ministry. Therefore, many, especially old people, are not able to do it. This means that the gospel is needed to be carried from home to home. During such visits, we have the opportunity to give each family member time and pray for everyone. The gospel is often accepted by the whole family. Many repent, old and young, the whole houses and families.

A few days ago, one woman repented during the service. We prayed for her, and she invited us to her home (a few hours walk from the church, no road, no cars). On the next day, during visits, we shared with her family by the Word of God and her husband, her whole family, and even a few neighbors accepted Christ as their Lord and savior! God is good! We pray for more great saved lives!
In Papua New Guinea – The Konstantiniki