Quinilla is three and a half years old and is was always smiling, talkative, and even when she became ill with typhus, it did not completely wash the smile off her face. She knows the words of all the songs that we sing, and during worship in the church, she holds her hands high, looking up to heaven. If you are listening late in the evening, then you can catch her tender voice singing: “There is power in the name of Jesus, to break every chain …”
Three is not only her age but also the number of times her mother tried to abort her – but each time she survived. I saw this smiling miracle when she turned 5 months old, and soon her whole family began to attend our meetings. Now her parents are expecting another child, this time is a wish. It has been 3 months since Quinilla has been attending our Christian kindergarten. It was here that she learned her songs, and learned that God has a plan for her life. More than a hundred children, between 3 to 5 years old, visit our nursery. Behind each smile is an untold story, behind every look there is a hidden pain. We do not charge students; our desire is that as many children as possible come – and that they find out that there is a Father in heaven who loves them and never leaves them.

Out of four classrooms, only two are ready to use, which means we could double the nursery once we fix them up. To do this we need to lay the floor and insert the windows in the two remaining classes, as well as plywood the walls. Please consider supporting us, thank you.
Ministry in Papua New Guinea – Eugene & Ira Konstantinik