On the weekends we were able to hold a youth convention from all our subsidiary’s churches. Over 100 people who were up to 20 years old gathered to worship the Lord together and study His Word. We were able to provide three meals a day and prizes for sports achievements, and thanks to your prayers, many of them used the time to repent. So happy to see the youth, who voluntarily got up at 4 am without reminders, for prayer and worship! Let the fire which they undoubtedly carry away to their villages, that will not fade, but will grow! Thanks to you, we were able to visit the tribal victims of the wars in the village of Atuka and Anditapa and evangelize.

We also blessed especially needy families who have lost literally everything – with shovels, axes, mattresses, and other necessary things to start life over from scratch. We saw many repentances. In that area, there are no evangelical churches, and people are very hungry for the Word of God, so we decided to send pastor Matthias and his family to live here permanently and minister here. Lord willing, we plan to buy a piece of land and start building a house of prayer in Atuka/Anditapa region in very soon.

Ministry in Papua New Guinea – I&J Konstantiniki