In both the hospital and the prison, the Lord has been touching the hearts of people who joyfully accept Christ. Even more joyful is the fact that our adopted son, Cedric (who recently welcomed his second child), has joined us in this ministry. Our desire is to send him and his family to pastoral school so that he can continue his work even more effectively. The Lord is adding those being saved to the church!

Recently, we witnessed a miracle that I want to share with you. Fleeing from a tribal war (which, as you know, is not uncommon here), about two hundred people sought refuge. These refugees had lost everything—having fled through mountains and jungles with only what they could carry, along with the elderly and children—until they miraculously arrived in a village near ours. The Lord moved us to visit them with the Gospel and the film “Jesus.” The following Sunday, our church was packed, with no place to sit, as all of them came, and every one of them came forward to repent. After the prayer, they began singing praises to the Lord in their native language—a language we do not understand, but we could feel the warmth of their newfound love for Christ in our hearts. Please pray that this fire does not fade but grows into a flame that burns brightly to the ends of the earth.

Next week, we are planning a 10-day trip to the remote region of Bougainville in Papua New Guinea. We kindly ask for your prayers for safe travels and for our time there.

Ministry in PNG – E & I Konstantiniki