We learned about the “Open heart Ministry” when we were visiting Kansas City in 2016. And in 2019 we opened our own counseling center. This is God’s way of healing tormented hearts.
Here is a brief testimony from an employee of the Children’s Ark – Maria Unrau:
“25 years of experience with children orphans helped me understand the depth of pain children experience through betrayal, rejection, and violence. The “Open Heart Ministry” is exactly what we lacked in the upbringing of the children. While I have little experience in counseling, but everything I apply gives positive results. During one of the sessions, the student opened up about all the resentment and pain in relation to her mother who abandoned her she was 10 years old. Being back at the shelter she missed her mother, who was waiting for her and tried to call. Years passed, and she still prayed and believed that her mom would come for her. And then a miracle happened – her mother answered the phone.

The girl heard a familiar voice, which was irritable and rude. Her mother began to scream at the child: “Why are you calling? I’m visiting and I can’t talk to you.” And hung up the phone. The girl burst into tears. After ten years her mother picked up the phone for the first time but they didn’t have a conversation. The pain of rejection tortured a grown-up girl. Healing came during prayer when she forgave her mother. God consoled and healed her wounded heart! This is just the beginning. We still have work in from of us for the rest of her life.
I am grateful to Christ that He called me to be His tool for His kingdom.
Children’s Ark St. Petersburg – Lydia Shulga