Yes, I believe!!! This is a short but very meaningful and powerful phrase! “Yes, I believe!” – To say it in front of other witnesses is a big challenge. “Yes, I believe and have decided to follow Jesus and want people around me to know about it”. Four young people made a public confession of their faith and got baptized. It was a true celebration in our Church. Most of them were growing without having a close relationship with their parents, not knowing the love of Jesus. One of the boys said: Growing up without a father and later with a step-father I felt a lack of love. When I saw how my cousin came to Crist and how his life changed, I wanted the same. Now I have the Heavenly Father who loves me and cares for me every day. God is the only one who is the best Father and gives us a new family in Christ! Moreover, He showers His blessings and gives gifts that we would be able to serve each other. Every week our older children teach younger to play musical instruments. We are very grateful for our volunteers who came a few years ago and taught our children to play piano, guitar ukulele, and now they can pass it to the next generation. Also this year the teachers from the public school said that children and teens who go to church, are very talented and kind, they were the most helpful in the preparation graduation program this year. Glory be to God for all the things He is doing. Please continue to pray for our youth, especially those who decided to follow Jesus, that nothing will stop them and also younger children, that they would grow in their faith. Please pray for the right people to join our ministry, especially for the young couple who are planning to come in June.

Its been one year since we started a Bible study group with the elderly. As we study the Bible together, we see how relevant and practical it is for our life, doesn’t matter culture or age. They are very grateful for the time we have. “ I really like the time when we pray together, I feel the power and see how God is answering prayers” – said one of the ladies.

Thank you very much for your prayers and support, thank you for being a part of the ministry here.
Minsitry in Thailand (Avoda) – San und Anita