Our team has started 4 more Discipleship groups in prison. We are grateful to the Lord that we can serve the prisoners each week without any hindrance – providing not only spiritual food but also physical food, as the conditions in the prison leave much to be desired, and many prisoners are emaciated or ill.
Last week, we were able to hold an eye clinic in the village of Mamarai. Over 50 people received glasses, and the entire village heard the Gospel! Daniel and his team also conducted a children’s/youth program. For this village, it was unforgettable, and the tribal leaders kept thanking us. For us, it was a wonderful opportunity to tell them about Christ and His sacrificial love for each of them.

Next week, our church is planning a baptism! We rejoice that we can fulfill the Lord’s command: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” Is there any joy in this world that compares to living at the center of His will?
The Lord is leading us to open another Promise Land church on Bougainville Island. This is one of the remote regions of Papua New Guinea, which will soon become an independent state! There is already a group of believers there, and one family from our church has received a calling from the Lord to move there for permanent ministry.
Ministry in PNG – Eugene & Irina Konstantiniki