In the last 3 weeks, I spent 10 hours in the kitchen daily. Don’t even ask me how many people I have fed during this time and how many times – I’ve long since lost count. Somewhere in between, I turned 35, but I hardly noticed. Every day, I wake up at 5:00 AM with only one prayer on my lips – that what I have in my hands, Lord, use for Your glory. After all, He said in John 21,“Feed My sheep”

“Feeding the sheep” means explaining the Word of God to them. Interpret the Holy Scriptures. Preach the Gospel. Engage in discipleship. But the more I delve into this passage, the more I realize that it’s much deeper than it seems at first glance. As it turns out, the command is the same for everyone – “Feed the sheep”. For some, this looks like a pulpit. For others – like a dark kitchen at 5:30 AM, where we tread so carefully not to wake anyone. And, as it turns out, He doesn’t ask us, “Can you do it?”, “Do you mind?”, “Are you ready?” – but “Do you love Me”. If I love Christ more than anything, then whether I have a microphone, a hammer, or a kitchen knife in my hand, I know – I am fulfilling His commission. I am feeding His sheep. And I will do it with joy!
Ministry in PNG – The Konstantiniki