The will of God for us personally is to be close to children who are scared, hurt and lonely. Recently, I often see how the word of God is “a cheerful heart is good as medicine” is being fulfilled. Every time we visit children in a hospice, oncology, orphanage, children run to a meeting and it seems that their hearts rejoice. In this moment you understand that you are in the right place and God is near! I’ve often been told that serving God changes who we are, and that’s for sure.

This month we visited 4 orphanages, we went to the hospice 8 times and took care of children in especially difficult circumstances, and every week we played with our children in oncology, gave joy and gifts, sang songs about Jesus, all the children and their parents are very grateful to us, and therefore you! Several parents began to visit the house of prayer and read the Bible. We have an acute need for Apollo, a child in the hospice. We need to help him overcome his heart problems, he needs surgery, but he is very weak. Although he is getting prepared, always new obstacles appear, sudden swellings, and various allergic manifestations.
We bring him healthy food, medicine and provide spiritual and emotional support. We pray that the child survives, he is all alone, and he needs a family. Pray for us and for the children who we serve together. Thank you for your open hearts!
Ministry in Omsk – Alex Melnikov