Refugee Ministry
Refugees from South Sudan
Our latest updates
Uganda – School in Bidi-Bidi
I would like to sincerely thank you for standing with me in prayer for the ministry in the refugee camps of South Sudan in northern Uganda. These camps were established in 2013, right after the war broke out in Juba. Hundreds of thousands of people fled to Uganda, and we thank God that they found refuge in this country.
Trip to Sudan and Uganda!
On March 12, a team from various churches embarked on a mission trip to Uganda and South Sudan! For over 10 years, around 2,000,000 refugees from Sudan have been living in camps in northern Uganda. Their situation is worsening, as the monthly ration has again been reduced to 3 kg of beans and 6 kg of cornmeal.
Uganda – Work for Women
Many women in refugee camps struggle to provide for their children. While believers may have found peace for their souls, material prosperity and stability for their families remain significant challenges. Due to the level of illiteracy among women, earning a living is not easy to accomplish
Uganda – School is Closing
Ebenezer Secondary School was founded by a church. The school opened in 2017 and educates 350 students. Most of the students are orphans, and the school is located in the largest refugee settlement in the Yumbe District of Uganda. The school employs 13 trained teachers and is very successful, being the leading school in the refugee camps in the Yumbe area of Uganda.
Sudan – For the Sake of Preaching!
Simon Odong is a minister of the Gospel in Torit, Eastern Equatoria, South Sudan. The Lord has blessed his family with two children. Torit is the capital of the eastern state of Equatoria, and most of the unreached population groups live in these areas.
Famine in the Camps of Uganda
We are concerned about the impending famine in the refugee camps. The UN has reduced food rations for refugees due to insufficient funding. Now the UN is considering providing three kilograms of corn per person per month, and exclusively for vulnerable groups such as the disabled and elderly. This amount is enough for about 10 days!
Uganda – a pressing need!
Our women and girls face significant challenges during menstruation, which is uncomfortable but needs to be discussed. We have recognized this need and decided to help especially the girls who cannot afford to buy hygiene kits and end up missing school during this...
Sudan – they are in danger!
Our evangelist Adam Harun is a witness to the senseless political struggle in Sudan. He is currently in El Fasher, in the western region of Darfur. This is the 6th day of the battle between the Armed Forces of Sudan and the militarized group known as the Rapid Support Forces or the Janjaweed militia.
Uganda – God saved my life.
I would like to sincerely thank God for His protection of my life in 2022. On October 31, 2022 at 7:15, I was driving from Arua to Adjumani via Moyo and immediately after leaving the city, we got into an accident. The car exceeded the speed limit and crashed into a tree. There were three of us in the car, thank God that none of us were hurt.
South Sudan – God Moves People
It is in these places of Scripture, we, as the first generation of Baptists in South Sudan, have rooted and prayed to reach all the farthest corners of South Sudan and other sub-Saharan countries. The photographs you see are testament to the fulfillment of the commission of Jesus Christ
Uganda – Baptism in Moyo
The people of South Sudan have survived many wars. We never had our own school to train missionaries and pastors. And now, the long-awaited discipleship center has opened in Moyo, Northern Uganda! We started with 10 students who were recruited from the refugee camps.
Uganda – Girls are in danger
The brothers and sisters from refugee camps in South Sudan northern Uganda give greetings. The life of a refugee is not easy. Many of us were traumatized by losing loved ones, leaving house and property behind. The permanent lack of food and diseases traumatizes even more people.
Uganda – Discipleship Center
The South Sudan Baptist Union still had no single school for disciples until this moment. In 2013 the civil war began, and most believers were forced to flee to neighboring countries, including to Uganda. The Refugees camps are in primitive conditions, there is no electricity or amenities.
Flood in South Sudan
South Sudan has never experienced a flood this size at the Nile River since 1956. The flood affected the entire Upper Nile and led over 270,000 people to leave the area. About 2000 believers of our associations were forced to leave their homes. N pastors with their families were among them. The flood-affected agricultural farms and the livestock.
Uganda – Unusual Repentance
The Baptist Association of the Omugo refugee Camp in the Arua area on the west of the Nile, Uganda, organized a three-day conference. Many people gathered despite the Covid-19 Lockdown. Among those who came, there was also a Satanist
Uganda – three days without food
Greetings to all of you and thank you very much for your partnership in preaching the Gospel. We wanted sincerely thank you for each
prayer for South Sudan. May God bless you at all times!
Churches in Juba city, South Sudan, raised their voices, praising and worshiping God, thank you for your generosity and desire to support them with food and essential items.
Left without food and shelter!
At the end of September 2020, another clash happened between the two parties in South Sudan. Residents of the camps in Corijo, Andejo, and Moroto, were attacked. The shooting lasted from 4 am to noon. About 3 thousand people were panicking and ran to the border of Uganda.
I’m tired of hearing about death!
Let me share with you some of the challenges faced by pastors in refugee camps in northern Uganda and South Sudan. Most South Sudanese are less educated and do not work in refugee camps.
Uganda – Feeding the hungry
I would like to thank New Fields Ministries and all the Slavic Baptist churches in the United States for supporting our churches in the refugee camps. We bought several tons of food for $8,000. We delivered the food to the camps in the Ajumani district in northern Uganda at the end of August
Uganda – Quarantine for over 140 days
The Lord blessed our family with three biological children and one adopted boy, Kennedy 20, Joel 13, carol 9 and Kayla 6. The lord has been merciful to us since our wedding in 2005. Together with my wife rose and the children, we fled to Uganda in January 2017.
Uganda – Stolen Food!
On 14-16 July 2020, a fierce fight broke out between numerous tribes in the South Sudan refugee camps in the Obongi area. As a result of the fights, three people were killed, and several dozen people were injured. The cause of the conflict was the lack of food. A Nuer woman was caught with stolen corn
Uganda – leasing land
I am writing to you because from the first day until now you have not stopped praying for refugee camps in northern Uganda and in South Sudan. In connection with the coronavirus epidemic, life in refugee camps has become even harder. Especially due to food shortages.
Uganda – life during a pandemic
Despite the Covid-19 Lockdown in the refugee camps, the two evangelists Jackson Alikanga & Doru Alex reached out to the neighborhood at the Morobi camp, a refugee’s settlement in the Obongi district. God has put into the hearts of these men a desire to share the Gospel
Uganda – Open Churches
I greet you all in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We pray for the ministry that God began in South Sudan. We pray that the Lord will expand our limits in 2020. Thank you for your prayers and help in the refugee camps in Uganda.
Sudan – For the Gospel!
We thank God that the ministry began in Sudan in the highly populated areas of the southern Blue Nile, in the areas of Ingessana, Uddu and Jumdzhum. A wide door for the Gospel was opened in northern Sudan,
Vicki received her long-awaited arm prosthesis
Vicki, a widow from South Sudan who currently lives with her four children in the “Bidi – Bidi” refugee camp in northern Uganda has finally received her long-awaited prosthesis!
Kampala – Vicki is in the hospital
About 250,000 people live in the Bidi-Bidi refugee camp. This is one of the biggest camps in the world. Life in the camp is hard.
Pastors with their wives
A local church in Moyo, Uganda, provided its premises for a family conference. About 40 pastors came with their wives and children, whom they could not leave alone in the camp.
Christ to the people of Sudan!
Moyo – is a small town in northern Uganda! Once again, we stayed in the Catholic center for guests. On 3-4 May, our group went to the nearby refugee camps.
The life of a widow in the refugee camp!
This is another sad story about a widow named Joyce Epi. She is from Kajo Keji in South Sudan.
Arabic Bibles in Uganda
Edward Dima, the head of the Union of Baptists of South Sudan, repeatedly asked us to help with the purchase of Bibles in Arabic!
I thought that God has left me
Arriving in the north of Uganda, I couldn’t wait to give Wiki the help collected for her. On April 21, after dinner, we finally found a car and went with the pastor and his assistants to the Bidi-Bidi camp.
Food was delivered to the Refugees
The news has repeatedly reported that South Sudanese are starving. Every person I’ve met desperately needs food, medicine, and security.
The life of a refugee as a widow
Viki is 40 years old and a widow. The Lord blessed her with 4 children. Her husband was serving in the army and later was found drunk and dead in his home in 2017.
Christmas in Uganda
The director of the Migiale Baptist Association, Clement Niombo, expressed a huge gratitude for the assistance with the refugees from Southern Sudan in the Cerva Camp.
Helping churches in Uganda
Our first visit to Uganda was in May 2017. The thought to go there again never left my mind after I left. We saw horrible pictures of hunger, poverty, inhuman conditions of life and a thirst for God’s word.
Our friends from Africa
In September 2017, the secretary of the Baptist Union of Kenya Peter Olonapa and head of the Southern Sudan Baptist Union Edward Dima visited churches of the north-west coast in the United States.
Open churches in Uganda
Our Evangelical brothers are opening new churches in the various refugee camps in Northern Uganda. The founded churches in Bibidi and Abrimadsho, Yumbe already have 60 members.