San & Anita Ministry

Thailand – Camp on Wheels

Camp ministry is a unique way to impact lives, share the Gospel, and equip the next generation. Through this ministry, children and youth hear about Jesus from their friends, breaking the misconception that faith in Christ is something foreign. They see and feel Christ’s love through familiar voices, relatable stories, and in their native language.

Thailand – Life Has Changed

We are very happy to report that two more young people from our training center have become members of the Church and have publicly decided to follow Jesus! We are located in a mountain village where many children grow up without parents, as their parents work in large cities. This is the story of Fai and Art.

Thailand – A Special Gift

Recently, two young people decided to follow Jesus and publicly declared their faith through baptism. One of them shared:

“My parents separated when I was little. In my father’s new family, I didn’t feel accepted, so I moved to live with my grandfather, a well-known shaman in our village. New friends invited me to church. I liked studying English and life skills there.

Thailand — A Special Gift

The journey we were privileged to undertake, spreading the Word of God, took us to remote areas of Thailand and Myanmar, where tribes and families have endured the pain of conflict and loss during the war. In these villages, children held a Bible in their native language for the first time.

Thailand — A New Generation

We believe that by reaching one generation for Christ and teaching them to do the same, we can change the entire history of a nation that has long worshiped ancestral spirits. God’s work is visible worldwide, and we are honored to witness His power among people who have yet to know Him.

Thailand — New Plates!

I feel powerless as I witness many of the surviving refugees, children growing up without parents, and orphans in our village. Recently, when the director of the orphanage we visit monthly asked for help to buy plates for the children, I found myself asking, “God, do You really want us to do this?”

God is at Work!

We have witnessed an amazing transformation. A woman who was once strongly opposed to Christians, even demanding back everything she had ever given to those who became Christians, has started attending our Bible study. Remarkably, she and her husband have decided to follow Jesus and have stopped worshiping spirits.

Reaching Thailand for Christ: From North to South!  

Our mission to reach Thailand for Christ continues, step by step, from the North to the South. One of the ways we work toward this goal is “Camp on Wheels,” through which we conduct evangelism and discipleship training to reach children and young adults across Thailand during school breaks.

Experiencing God in the Midst of Hardship!

War is a tough ordeal for people of all ages, from adults to the elderly and even the youngest children. In Myanmar, a neighboring country of Thailand, war has raged for years, displacing countless families. Over 90,000 refugees from Myanmar now seek shelter in Thailand, many confined to refugee camps or limited areas.

Thailand – To whom do you direct your prayers?

It’s essential to pray to the True God, who hears and answers prayers.” This was our Bible lesson for over 100 students and their teachers in a public school. Yes, you heard it correctly – in a public school! The doors are still open to teach English and share Bible stories with students and teachers.

Serving in Thailand

We, San & Anita, are married since 2016 and have one child. We have devoted our lives to serve our Lord Jesus Christ in Thailand through teaching the English language, Church services, and children ministry. Please pray for us that God would bless our Ministry.

Our latest updates

Thailand – Camp on Wheels

Thailand – Camp on Wheels

Camp ministry is a unique way to impact lives, share the Gospel, and equip the next generation. Through this ministry, children and youth hear about Jesus from their friends, breaking the misconception that faith in Christ is something foreign. They see and feel Christ’s love through familiar voices, relatable stories, and in their native language.

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Thailand – Life Has Changed

Thailand – Life Has Changed

We are very happy to report that two more young people from our training center have become members of the Church and have publicly decided to follow Jesus! We are located in a mountain village where many children grow up without parents, as their parents work in large cities. This is the story of Fai and Art.

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Thailand – A Special Gift

Thailand – A Special Gift

Recently, two young people decided to follow Jesus and publicly declared their faith through baptism. One of them shared:

“My parents separated when I was little. In my father’s new family, I didn’t feel accepted, so I moved to live with my grandfather, a well-known shaman in our village. New friends invited me to church. I liked studying English and life skills there.

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Thailand — A Special Gift

Thailand — A Special Gift

The journey we were privileged to undertake, spreading the Word of God, took us to remote areas of Thailand and Myanmar, where tribes and families have endured the pain of conflict and loss during the war. In these villages, children held a Bible in their native language for the first time.

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Thailand — A New Generation

Thailand — A New Generation

We believe that by reaching one generation for Christ and teaching them to do the same, we can change the entire history of a nation that has long worshiped ancestral spirits. God’s work is visible worldwide, and we are honored to witness His power among people who have yet to know Him.

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Thailand — New Plates!

Thailand — New Plates!

I feel powerless as I witness many of the surviving refugees, children growing up without parents, and orphans in our village. Recently, when the director of the orphanage we visit monthly asked for help to buy plates for the children, I found myself asking, “God, do You really want us to do this?”

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God is at Work!

God is at Work!

We have witnessed an amazing transformation. A woman who was once strongly opposed to Christians, even demanding back everything she had ever given to those who became Christians, has started attending our Bible study. Remarkably, she and her husband have decided to follow Jesus and have stopped worshiping spirits.

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Experiencing God in the Midst of Hardship!

Experiencing God in the Midst of Hardship!

War is a tough ordeal for people of all ages, from adults to the elderly and even the youngest children. In Myanmar, a neighboring country of Thailand, war has raged for years, displacing countless families. Over 90,000 refugees from Myanmar now seek shelter in Thailand, many confined to refugee camps or limited areas.

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Secret believer!

Secret believer!

It has been more than 10 years since God led us to Thailand. Reflecting on this journey, I have learned several profound lessons. Missionary work is a long-term ministry, where short-term contributions from each one of us wield significant influence in bringing people closer to Christ.

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Thailand – life skills

Thailand – life skills

“Never stop learning because life never stops teaching!” – With these encouraging words, we started our life skills school, where children come to learn life skills that will help them be more independent and also grow in Christ-like character. At this moment, children are learning how to prepare meals using a rice cooker

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We have a Baptism

We have a Baptism

“Never stop learning because life never stops teaching!” With these encouraging words, we started our life skills school, where children come to learn life skills that will help them become more independent and grow in Christ-like character. At this moment, children are learning how to prepare meals in a rice cooker,

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Thailand – children football players

Thailand – children football players

Avoda’s simple pick-up truck goes from one village to another, and as it stops, young boys with all their energy run to it with great joy. They are loud and happy, even though they come from two different tribes and speak different languages. They share the same goal and vision!

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Our Bakery

Our Bakery

How many times have we prayed for God to help us find ways to reach adults? Our church is very young, and most attendees are children and youth. Grandparents and parents are happy to leave their children “under good care in a safe place.” They do see positive improvements in their children’s lives and are glad that they can learn.

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Avoda – attendance is growing

Avoda – attendance is growing

Around 40 children have been coming to our church on Sundays! Last month, we had a day program in a public school up on the mountain. We sang songs, played games, shared the Gospel, and at the end invited them to come to church on Sunday. We didn’t expect more than 40 children to show up at our church that Sunday

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Thailand – Learning to help

Thailand – Learning to help

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, thank you very much for the thoughtfulness and care that you are showing through personal messages, prayers, and support. One of the main goals of our local church here is that we would know the Bible and would be able to provide any help to any person who is searching for it.

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Encourage, Equip and Challenge 

Encourage, Equip and Challenge 

“I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth.” 1 Corinthians 6:3

This verse was a reminder and an encouragement for brothers and sisters in Christ who are ministering to people in this area of Thailand. Together with our team of volunteers we were able to organize a one-day seminar and invite local ministers, pastors, missionaries and youth leaders from different churches and ministries. Most of them serve God in their area and don’t have an opportunity to meet with each other. That’s why God has put on our hearts to prepare an event with the purpose to Encourage, Equip and Challenge.

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You were here with us!

You were here with us!

This month was a time we thank God for the Avoda Foundation which has been in Thailand for 9 years. It was an encouragement to hear all the stories, how did it start, and the way God was leading leaders and helpers in five different projects.

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Doors are opening

Doors are opening

Thank you very much for your participation in God’s work in Thailand! We are very grateful to God for the opportunities to see how the good news of Him changes many hearts and brings joy and hope to the hopeless. When God opened for us a door to teach English in public school

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My help comes from the Lord

My help comes from the Lord

Dear Church, thank you very much for your faithful prayers and support! This young boy lives without parents but with family relatives, who do what they can to provide for his needs. This year is his first year in school, and he could witness that help comes from the Lord,

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Avoda – answered Prayers

Avoda – answered Prayers

Last month, by God’s grace we had an opportunity to have our children’s camp, which was such a big blessing and answered prayer! We had our older youth organize the program and have a chance to serve together. For some, it was the first time helping with children. 

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Please rejoice with us!

Please rejoice with us!

Yes, I believe!!! This is a short but very meaningful and powerful phrase! “Yes, I believe!” – To say it in front of other witnesses is a big challenge. “Yes, I believe and have decided to follow Jesus and want people around me to know about it”. Four young people made a public confession of their faith and got baptized.

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One generation for Christ!

One generation for Christ!

People who are worshiping spirits don’t look happy, they live in constant fear to please spirits, and they put a lot of effort into this. They pass their belief to their children and grandchildren, who continue to live by the same pattern. What if, one generation would turn to Christ?

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Avoda – children camps and mercy ministry

Avoda – children camps and mercy ministry

Dear Church, thank you very much for your participation by prayer and financially. By God’s grace, we had an opportunity to make a youth camp with a mission in the South of Thailand. It was a blessing for our youth, from two of our “Avoda” projects, to have a fellowship and serve together through children camp and mercy ministry,

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Thailand – Our God is great!

Thailand – Our God is great!

Our God is great! We have very good news: The new generation is not interested in drugs anymore, because most of young people go to church! The area where our church is located is called the “Golden Triangle”, and famous for its opium-growing past.

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I want to be a Christian!

I want to be a Christian!

It was Sunday morning when we saw a new face at our church. We noticed her interest in reading the Bible and participating in worship with all her heart. She introduced herself and said that she was very happy to be here. As we learned later, Ching* comes from a Buddhist family.

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Thailand – The Life of elderly people

Thailand – The Life of elderly people

The Life of elderly people in our village is not easy, especially with the language barrier. Even though they live in Thailand they speak their tribal language. Some of them come to our church with their grandchildren. God put a desire on our hearts to organize a group for the elderly, where we can study the Bible in their language.

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Letters from God

Letters from God

Every Sunday, children from different houses, which are up in the mountains, are running with a great joy as they see our car entering their village. Some children already waiting in the assigned place, some running down and some up the hill trying to come on time. Some come with their Parents, some with older siblings.

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Thai Patana – Evening Camps

Thai Patana – Evening Camps

More than 30 children are in the back of a pickup truck, some other children are running from the village, school vans, motorcycles, and cars are stopping by the gates, bringing their children. All these children don’t want to be late! What is going on?

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We are very grateful

We are very grateful

“I will go to Heaven!” – was a very sure answer from a 10-year-old boy. Why do you think this way? we asked him. “Because I believe that Jesus is the Son of God, Who came to this World and died for my sin. And he continued with the whole Gospel in his own words.

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The gift of health and hope!

The gift of health and hope!

Last December we started our program “The gift of health and hope” as we entered our winter season. Many families live in simple homes, where often the temperature inside is the same as outside, and this season we had it 7C (44F) which is very cold for us.

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