Grace to you dear brothers and sisters in Christ! Thank you for being with us in this part of the World through your prayers and support!
After an active school year, we were thinking if there are enough resources for us to make a summer camp. I was praying: God, please send us a helper for the camp who can speak English and has a heart for You and children. But it seemed impossible, the camp is three weeks away and who would travel that far? Relying on God’s power we started our preparation. One week passed, and another started – nothing happened. It still seemed impossible. Impossible, but not for our God! Less than two weeks before the camp we met our new friend who is here in Thailand (in a small town next to us) to teach English, and he was very glad to help us with the camp. As he said it was a big blessing and encouragement for him, and it was defiantly God’s answer to our prayers! God has His own ways and He is never late! It was nice to work in the team with a mature Christian and to experience the power of God’s family.

That was only the beginning of the blessing because God already prepared our teens and gave them the desire to help in the camp. Seven of our teens, as young as 10, were ready to prepare activities for the camp and think how in every activity the children would learn the truth about God. More than 30 children came to the camp. They had a chance to learn how God speaks to us today and how can we talk to Him. Children would also memorize Bible verses, learn new songs, do craft have sport and fun activities. It was amazing to see our children teaching other children and sharing the Gospel with them! Our prayer and desire are to continue the camp ministry in other villages, which will help our children to grow in faith.

One of the ways to show God’s love to non-Christian families is to visit our children at home and especially on their birthdays. Their families are so grateful, you would even see tears on the faces of some parents.
Thank God for the transportation that He provided for our family. Now we have more opportunities for us to visit the children, go to church, do groceries and travel around the village.
Thank God for our trip to visit family and the church! It was a big encouragement and many lessons were learned. How great is to be around God’s people.
We are blessed and also challenged to have little ones, who come to our church. God gave us a desire and resources to make a Sunday school group for 2-4-years old, beside the one that we have 6-9 years old, where around 30 children come.
Thank God for every one of you, your prayers and support, May God richly bless you and helps you to serve Him with joy!
Please pray for:
- Our teens in making the right decisions especially as they are growing older.
- Some of our children who left to work or study in big cities, that they would find a church and have a desire to continue growing in Christ.
- Wisdom for us as the leaders to raise future leaders for Christ.
- The new school year and all the children who will come to learn about God
Ministry in Avoda, Thailand – San, and Anita