Last week, an incident occurred in the children’s ark that not only surprised us but made us see the greatness of God. After many warm days, a light rain began. A few minutes later, the rain intensified and hail with the size of a tennis balls began to fall from the sky.

While we were observing this natural phenomenon, one of our employees shouted: “The basement is flooding with water! The Kurmaevs and the Kireevs family possessions are getting wet.” Going down to the basement, we saw that the floor was already covered with water. The sewage pumps couldn’t handle that much water. All the employees and children of the “Children’s Ark”, grabbed the containers that were at hand, began to collect the water from the basement.
Other went outside to open the sewage system but this did not help either, since the streets were also flooded. The whole process lasted four hours, and we continued to clean until the next day.

Over the next few weeks, we expect rain again and pray that our basement will remains dry. In addition, we will have to buy stronger sewage pumps. We cannot afford them at the moment. Especially now that we are forced to do it without government assistance due to the pandemic. Please help us raise $2000 for our children at the orphanage and buy new pumps.
With a prayer for you …
Ministry in St Petersburg – Children’s Ark