The journey we were privileged to undertake, spreading the Word of God, took us to remote areas of Thailand and Myanmar, where tribes and families have endured the pain of conflict and loss during the war. In these villages, children held a Bible in their native language for the first time.
Along with the Bibles, we provided food aid, staying true to the belief that “man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”
Parents and children were deeply moved! Above all, the Bible captured their hearts. Reading about God’s love and promises in their native tongue is a gift that brings enduring hope.

Meet Win and Switch, two of over 2,000 children who received the Word of God. Win shared: “This book has given me tremendous strength. I realize how much God loves me and how He has saved me. After reading, I feel a deep desire to learn more and seek forgiveness.”
Switch said: “This is my first Bible. It feels wonderful to learn these stories for the first time in a way I can understand.”
Their joy as they held this precious gift reminded us of the honor of being part of this mission. Praise God for this incredible teamwork!
Ministry in Thailand (Avoda) – San and Anita