Avoda’s simple pick-up truck goes from one village to another, and as it stops, young boys with all their energy run to it with great joy. They are loud and happy, even though they come from two different tribes and speak different languages. They share the same goal and vision! What are they happy about? What unites them? They are going to play football, and soon they will have a competition where, of course, they dream of winning! 🙂 God has given us the opportunity to have a football ministry to reach young boys. Some of them come from very strong animist families who don’t allow them to participate in any church activities or hear about God, except for football. Practicing to play as one team, building their skills and character, learning about God in small group talks, and sharing snacks together brings them a lot of joy. It helps them see God as the one who cares, unlike the spirits that always want to harm them. God has truly blessed this ministry, and even though our boys had only one week to prepare for the competition, they placed third! One of our boys once said, “N’San, before I used to spend five hours a day playing games on my phone, and now I don’t have time for that. I need to practice football! You know, I feel happier now!” Please pray with us for God’s guidance in reaching Thai Sambun village. We need help, so please also pray for God to send the right people to join us in this mission. Thank you to everyone who is financially participating and helping in buying sports uniforms, providing snacks, and covering the cost of gasoline and other expenses.

Camp is another ministry that helps our youth grow and reach other children with their families. We were blessed with “The Incredible Race” day camp at our church, where we shared that no matter where we live, what shade of skin we have, or what language we speak, we are all part of the same race—the human race—and all part of the same family from Adam and Eve. We all need one Savior – Jesus Christ! About 50 children were able to join and experience a fun and learning atmosphere as we discovered where all these languages started, why we all look different, and had an opportunity to try snacks from different countries and learn how God made everyone unique, yet with the same need for the Savior! For many of them, this truth was new, but we believe that the seed will bear fruit at the right time. You can experience our camp ministry at the link below 🙂 Hope you enjoy watching it.
In October this year, we are planning to share this news with many other children and hold day camps with Burmese refugees and other people groups in Thailand. Please join us in prayer and financially to be able to cover all the needs. Also, please come and participate in those camps. This would be our Camp on Wheels 2023, where we will do camps for one month in a few different places in Thailand. Please pray that God would provide the right people for this year!
Thank you very much for your faithful support. May God richly bless you and strengthen your faith until our Lord comes!
Ministry in Thailand (Avoda) – San and Anita