Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, thank you very much for the thoughtfulness and care that you are showing through personal messages, prayers, and support. One of the main goals of our local church here is that we would know the Bible and would be able to provide any help to any person who is searching for it, physically and spiritually. We were looking for someone who can teach us and our youth how to help people with any issue they face with the Living Word of God. And God blessed us by sending on our way “Apollos” a dear brother in Christ and his team who do Biblical counseling ministry in Thailand and moreover lives a few hours from our place, that we didn’t even know about before!

A few weeks later we were able to host a seminar on addiction, where we learned, what the Bible says about it, and how can we help people with any kind of addiction. At the beginning of the next year, we are planning on taking the whole one-year course on Biblical counseling with our youth, so they would be able to help their friends, family members, and children that they serve. Please pray for this desire of 9 young people who would like to dedicate their time and effort to learn how to help people by guiding them with the Word of God! Please pray for the young man Poo, who is willing to get baptized in a few months, and for God to use him in reaching his family.
May God richly bless you
Ministry in Thailand (Avoda) – San and Anita