“Never stop learning because life never stops teaching!” – With these encouraging words, we started our life skills school, where children come to learn life skills that will help them be more independent and also grow in Christ-like character. At this moment, children are learning how to prepare meals using a rice cooker, take care of their bodies and clothes, and also how to manage money, especially when they have only a few coins. There are more than 50 children who come from different backgrounds and family settings. They are happy to spend time together and feel that someone cares. They are also learning that having a good character is very hard on their own, but God is always there to help them!
“Please allow my children to help you in teaching, practicing their skills, and assisting other children.” In other words, “I want my children to be with Christians!” – This was a request from two families whose parents asked us for their teenage daughter and son to join our team. They see the church as a place where their teens can grow, learn, and make friends. Both families’ parents are educated people, with one of them still being a strong Buddhist believer. So now, three young people have joined our team to teach life skills and learn about Christ! We are praying that their parents will join us as well.

One day, a lady from the village (who is not a believer) visited our church. She saw the teens singing and playing musical instruments and, with disappointment, said to her friend, “Why doesn’t my daughter come to church? Look how these young people are singing and seem so happy.” It’s a powerful testimony for people to see that those who do not follow rituals but believe in the Highest God have a better, blessed life!
A few months ago, during a baptism in our church, a young man got baptized, and the non-Christian mom asked her daughter, “Why aren’t you getting baptized as well?” Her daughter was surprised and happy to hear these words. Perhaps her mom could also testify to the changes that happened in their family. A few years ago, Jane* (the name of the girl changed) experienced a lot of pain growing up with her grandma and longing for her parents’ love, as both of them were working in a big city far away from her. Later, she found out that they were not together and were planning on separating. That was an even bigger pain, but she prayed and asked us to pray, holding onto hope that one day their family would be together again. God heard her prayers, He saw her faith! Time passed, and her parents reunited and even moved back to stay with the family. Their family was reunited! God is real! She can testify to how God worked in her life and how life with Him is much better than being on her own. Jane* made a decision to follow Jesus and was baptized last Sunday. We continue to pray for her parents to come to Christ and believe it will happen soon. Thank you for your prayers! These are only a few testimonies of how God is working in people’s hearts. Please pray with us as we strive to reach adults, parents, and grandparents of our children, that they would recognize their personal need for Jesus as well.
Thank you very much for all your prayers and support. May God richly bless every one of you!
Ministry in Thailand (Avoda) – San & Anita