I feel powerless as I witness many of the surviving refugees, children growing up without parents, and orphans in our village. Recently, when the director of the orphanage we visit monthly asked for help to buy plates for the children, I found myself asking, “God, do You really want us to do this?” We prayed about it with our children and covered the cost of the plates. Now, 120 children have new plates! God once again showed His power and reminded us that He provides and sometimes chooses to do so through us. We should be grateful for the opportunity to witness His miracles.

Can God bless others through me? Help comes from the Lord, and He decides how, when, and through whom it will come. We witnessed a miracle through a prayer that was answered. Visiting the orphanage with our family and seeing the joy on the children’s faces served as a powerful reminder that we should bring all our needs to God. Whether it’s refugees needing food, children needing a camp program, or people suffering from dengue fever, we must trust God to perform miracles.
Please join us in prayer for all these needs! May God bless each of you and provide for all your needs.
Ministry in Thailand (Avoda) – San and Anita