We held an evangelist service at the end May 2019. Ten Thousand of people gathered to listen to Good News. The group that arrived to serve in Tanzania consisted of 27 people. Among them were evangelical pastors, counselors, photographers, and cooks who were especially concerned about the safety of our food.

In the morning they held discipleship seminars. In the evenings, we called for people to follow the Lord. The number of people who responded ranged from a few hundred to a thousand and a half. When interacting with people, we saw that a certain part of society is involved in occultism. People carry the imprint of occult religions in which they and their ancestors were immersed. During prayer, when the name of Jesus Christ was proclaimed, many people fell to the ground unconscious; these were the first signs of being possessed by demons. Many brothers picked up these people and carried them out of the field so that the crowd whould not step on them. Among the posessed were very young people who needed to be freed from demonic forces.
During the summer this year, we are to hold ministries for the first time in Damascus. The doors opened for the US. In Syria, they are waiting for us, and we have the boldness of the Lord to go and preach the Gospel. We ask the people of God to support us by prayer in this spiritual struggle.
Please pray for us to be able to pay for our travel expenses on time. May our Lord be exalted!
Ministry in Tanzania – Sergey Kirnev