The life story of Viktor Sklanda is about how a wounded child’s soul became a beacon of hope for other children.
Victor could have a good life. His father bred thoroughbred horses. The family atmosphere was good and friendly. But then his fate changed drastically: his father was killed, his mother became addicted to alcohol and sold the family’s property. As a result, the family has torn apart. For Victor, as one of the youngest children in the family, this meant a new reality in life: an orphanage in the outback of Russia.
This was supposed to be a dark chapter in Victor’s story: “All against all.” Hatred and cruelty shaped his young soul. An environment in which mercy and love were considered weaknesses stifled hope. The picture of the future was predictable – going to nightclubs, drugs, alcohol, possibly crime, and jail. It seemed like it was the sad end of the story. But, Victor’s life took a decisive turn:
Foreign missionaries visited the orphanage. They showed love to us, even if they were originally punished with meanness for it. Interacting with these people fascinated Victor and caused the hatred and anger inside him to diminish. And not only that, but also that he chose a relationship with God himself. Of course, problems and difficulties did not go away from his life, but God gave him a new direction in life.

Today, Victor’s heart seeks to show children from disadvantaged families and children who had to grow up without parents, a view of life with God and encourage them to let go of their fear of social connections.
Unfortunately, there are still too many children in orphanages or shelters in our region who also need our help. One of the bridges to teens and young people is sports. And this is exactly what we are using now and want to use even more in the future.
Already, the graduates of the Children’s Ark actively attend sports events. We plan to start joint work in this direction with the youth and teenagers of the “EXIT” club. The leader of this project is Viktor Sklanda.
We rented a gym until June 2021. In addition, we are looking into renting a place infinitely that will become a meeting place for children and youth, where it will be possible not only to play football and volleyball, but also to meet children and make friends.
Do you want to become a sponsor of the “EXIT” project? And for success stories like Victor’s to come true? Maybe someday it is your contribution that will transform the soul of a wounded child into a person who is passionate about helping others. If this affects you, feel free to participate with a one-time or monthly donation.
Children’s Ark in St. Petersburg