Dear Church, brothers, and sisters in Christ! We are very grateful for your prayers and support towards the reconstruction of our Church building in Thailand, where less than 1% of the population are Christians.

Thank God for the nine people which opened their hearts and came to help, not only to build but also to cook, organizing day camps, giving clothes and toys to children, teaching English to government officials and encouraging local youth. Two other tribes, that we visited together and organized camps, were very grateful and encouraged by it. “Thank you for coming and organizing a camp in our place, you brought a lot of joy to children and many are encouraged to come to church or youth group” – said a pastor who works with people in that tribe. Our local youth also had a lot of opportunities to serve together and learn new things for the ministry. It was very active and full of many blessings.

During this time, we had a temporary bamboo shelter, where we continued all the activities. Now, as the school year started, we have a strong and safe building, where children, teens, and adults can come and learn about God and also, learn how to live life the way God meant it.

Thank you again to everyone who participated in this work, it made a big difference. Even though there are a lot of things accomplished, we are still continuing the work on our building, where we need to protect our roof from the heat, put some bricks around the metal frame and make our floor nice. If God puts in your heart to participate in this project, please make your donation towards this cause “church building”. May God richly bless every one of you!

These two ladies look very happy and grateful because now they can listen to Jesus’ story on their own, tribal language! One of them got a device and in the next few days brought another lady who was really asking to have the same. Even this elderly lady doesn’t move much, she found her strength to walk to the Church and get a story that she really wanted to hear! Please pray for these people who hear about God through these devices that God would give them an understanding and open their hearts for Him!
Ministry in Thailand – San and Anita, “Avoda” Thailand