We will learn a lot when we meet the One who is guiding His mission in heaven and many will be surprised.
We had many events and trips last month. It started with the fact that my car broke down, and I had to take it to Prague to fix it. A mechanic told me that it is not possible to travel 745 miles with this car. We only could only go by faith, so we prayed and left. Tom, an orthodox believer from Georgia went with me. The car broke again on the way there. In Switzerland, people called the police on us because the car was burning oil and created a lot of smoke but after praying we were able to continue driving.

Tom was very surprised by how God answers prayers. After visiting a church in Prague and socializing with many believers he was surprised again. On the way back, he told me that he wanted to be baptized by faith. He is a very honest person, around 20 years old and reads the bible. He sees a lot of things happening in his church that doesn’t seem to be biblical.
We also visited a church in Faro, Portugal. We are glad for Pastor Eugene because the Lord works through him. A couple from Moscow (Andrew & Lydia) was returning home on the airplane but Andrew (59) became sick and had to stop in Faro. He was rushed to the emergency. Pastor Eugene was called by friends and asked to help his wife Lydia. She doesn’t speak any Portuguese. The Doctors said that her husband’s survival was a miracle. Lydia visited the Pastors house and the church and was touched by the Lord’s grace. They don’t have a personal relationship with the Lord yet, but I think this was one way to get closer to Him.
We also want to thank you for praying for our sons. Many worried about Yuri and Andrew. For the first time in 6 years, we were able to meet in Sanremo.
Andrew has finally returned to the Lord, thank God for this. Yuri is not walking with the Lord but we see how the He is intervening in his life. His promise to the faithful “You and your whole house will be saved.” May God Bless you!
Ministry in Europe – Gennady Gavrilov