Greetings, brothers and sisters! I want to tell you how God works among vulnerable children and how we can participate in this work. Our team visited four children’s homes and spent wonderful time with the children. We cooked food, played sports games, and had interesting discussions with them. Children in the hospice require special attention. Many of them cannot live independently, but when I come, touch them, and speak to them, they react and rejoice!

Ana is four years old, and she has leukemia. She is currently undergoing heavy hormonal therapy, and the child is deeply distressed and upset. She understands everything, and soon she will need to go to St. Petersburg for a bone marrow transplant. While working with children at risk, I have realized that there are times when they need us the most. When a child is lost, in pain, and scared, they cling to you and want to find hope. It’s a good time to tell them about hope and introduce them to Jesus in a childlike way.
Over the past month, more than six mothers approached me and expressed gratitude for the help and support they received in moments of despair.
Thank you for your participation in this ministry. There are many needs, and I can’t even pinpoint the most pressing one. Glory to God – this is our place in His vineyard.
Ministry in Omsk – Sasha Melnikov