In the north of Kamchatka there is village called Palana and is in the center of the Koryak district. In the year 2000 the family of Gennady and Galina Mozhaytsev with their four young children from Belgorod came to this village. They settled in a cramped two-room apartment. Due to the lack of vitamins the children fell ill with tuberculosis. The fifth child was born in Kamchatka, and the family adopted three more orphans. Galina recalls how in one night somebody knocked on the door, he seemed possessed and had a knife, promised to kill the whole family, but the Lord saved them. When the children got up started praying and singing, the possessed left.

The sacrifice that family did was not in vain. In 20 years of evangelism to the indigenous peoples in Palana a church formed: 18 people were baptized, now we have 32 born again Christians with 8 young families. Residents of many villages expect believers to visit them, but in May the ice melts and movement on winter road ends. Transportation is only possible by helicopters, which is very expensive. Palana is cut off by swamps for 9.5 months. There is only one opportunity to preach the gospel all year round if you buy the Trakol all-terrain vehicle: it is excellent in the swamps and in the snow moves with 8 passengers. It floats and is equipped with an engine from Volvo. Our brothers in the tundra have been using Trakol for 20 years. Its the only one on the market in Russia that is fitted for the north and off-road transportation. We visited the manufacturer. We need to collect $ 70,000 for this project. We believe that this is God’s work and ask all of you for help!
Serving in Kamchatka – Veniamin Khorev