The Lord blessed our family with three biological children and one adopted boy, Kennedy 20, Joel 13, carol 9 and Kayla 6. The lord has been merciful to us since our wedding in 2005.
Together with my wife rose and the children, we fled to Uganda in January 2017. At that time, troops were already stationed in our city of Kajo-Keji. Technically, Uganda has been our home since birth, because the military conflicts in South Sudan have not stopped. The first time I fled to Uganda was with my parents when I was a child, and then we returned in 1977. We fled to Uganda again in 1983 and lived there until 2005.

The quarantine announced on March 19, 2020, took us by surprise. Rose and I were in northern Uganda when the school called us and asked to pick up the children. We had to travel 11 hours to Kampala driving the bus which took us all night. On March 20, we took our children, and the country was locked up. Unfortunately, we had no money to buy food and no coal to cook our meals. The stores were all closed, and we did not leave the house for a whole month.
When we ran out of food, we gathered all remaining funds and I went to the market in Kampala. I had to walk 7 hours to buy at least something for the children. When new fields heard about our situation, they purchased a motorcycle. Thank you for your help in purchasing it. A motorcycle is the only vehicle allowed during the quarantine. When we received funds to support the family, it was a day of jubilation. We bought chicken and Irish potatoes, and the children sang joyful songs to the Lord. Thank you for being our friends!
Ministry in Uganda – Edward Dima