Greetings to all of you and thank you very much for your partnership in preaching the Gospel. We wanted sincerely thank you for each prayer for South Sudan. May God bless you at all times!
Churches in Juba city, South Sudan, raised their voices, praising and worshiping God, thank you for your generosity and desire to support them with food and essential items.
Refugees in the protection camp in Juba were not able to get food from the United Nations, but you gave them everything they need for life.

Our brother Sule, who you see in the photo, developed trachoma and went blind. For three days he, his wife, and child were without food. Due to loss of sight, Sule can’t work any longer in the city. We thank God that the local church quickly shared food with this family. Having received food Sule was delighted and started to sing in his native language – Bari. Neighbors
rushed by to find out why he is singing so loud. Instead of telling them, Sule sang one more song. Then he revealed his secret to neighbors: “I sing songs joy because I experienced a miracle. God sees and hears the prayers of the blind. He sent me my daily bread.”
Friends, you saved many people from starvation! They are sincerely thankful for your generosity and help! The Lord will reward you!
Ministry in Uganda & South Sudan – Edward Dima