Many women in refugee camps struggle to provide for their children. While believers may have found peace for their souls, material prosperity and stability for their families remain significant challenges. Due to the level of illiteracy among women, earning a living is not easy to accomplish. They want to give their children what they themselves did not have, both in terms of health and education. Many of these mothers did not finish school themselves, but they are now paying for their children’s education.

Getting an education in the camp for mothers with children is impossible, but thankfully, they can learn a trade. Tailoring is a very successful profession in the camp! Women learn to sew, cut fabric, and make clothes. Tailoring is a skill that anyone can learn, regardless of their level of education. It only takes a few months for a person to learn how to cut, sew, and start earning a living.

By learning tailoring, many mothers have brought smiles to their children and their entire families. We want to purchase 100 sewing machines at $150 each and provide women in refugee camps in northern Uganda with the opportunity to earn for their families. Thank you for participating in our joint ministry!

Ministry in Uganda – Edward Dima