Vicki, a widow from South Sudan who currently lives with her four children in the “Bidi – Bidi” refugee camp in northern Uganda has finally received her long-awaited prosthesis! As we wrote in our previous update, she lost her right arm after an accident, which further aggravated the situation of her family!

After getting Vicki to know, we promised to help her with the prosthesis and buy her a mechanical embroidery machine. When we were returning from Moyo to the capital, Kampala, Vicki traveled with us. A day later, she was already at the doctor’s office at the Hospital. And a few weeks later, she was finally done, and now has a temporary, but artificial arm. Now she can finally work with both arms, to sew and but also support the material with the other.
Vicki loves embroidering patterns for a tablecloth and, until recently, she had to do everything with her left hand. She spends hours on this painstaking and delicate work so that she can sell it at the local market and buy food for herself and her children. At the end of May, we found a mechanical embroidery machine in Kampala and bought it for Vicki. We believe that the machine will help her to provide for her family!
Thank you for not forgetting the orphans and widows!
Ministry in Uganda – Willi Dueck